For a few nights, you slept fantastic! The first night, you slept 7 1/2 hours straight. I woke up in pain because it had been so long since you nursed. When I looked at the clock, I panicked! I quickly looked into your bassinet and there you were, resting so peacefully. The next night I was hoping for similar results and sure enough you slept for 8 hours! Of course mommy didn't get 8 hours because she didn't go to bed right when you did, but I got enough.
I now realize, these two nights of glorious sleep, were to prepare me for the beast you were about to become.
My sweet, handsome, calm boy, turned into a fussy monster! You spent the entire next day fussing. Nothing I did made you happy! All you wanted to do was eat, eat, eat! HOLY GROWTH SPURT. I was hoping maybe you just were having one bad day, but it turned into MANY bad days! You were so fussy! All you wanted to do was eat and be held CONSTANTLY. This makes for a very unproductive mommy. Your sleep quickly turned from those 8 glorious hours to being up every three hours. And that doesn't mean mommy was getting three hours of sleep...nope. That means you would wake me up, take your blessed time to eat, and an hour later you would go to sleep, which means mommy got to sleep, but two hours later you were up for the same process! Those nights of sleep I had gotten just a few days earlier..yes they made sense now.
Even the cats were worn out by your fussiness!
On Saturday April 21, we took family pictures. I was really excited to finally get some of the three of us together. Plus you got to wear your Hurley outfit :) Uncle Brett came by, so I had him take the pictures for us! They all turned out so good. I can't wait to get some of the framed. This will be the first of many photo shoots I think. I hope you like the camera!
My favorite picture
There is that fussy face!
Daddy loves his boy
Baby Moses!
So gay
Daddy on the phone instead of taking pictures!
Later that day I convinced Daddy to take us to dinner at Sweet Tomatoes. We went and it was SO yummy! We were worried you would be fussy and cry, but you were good. Daddy wasn't feeling good so we went home and spent the rest of the day hanging out together at home. It was a great saturday together as a family.
Sunday came around (April 22) and we went to church. I was excited about your outfit to wear for church on Sunday! Another new Hurley outfit I bought you. When we got to church, you were hungry, so we spent almost the entire service in the nursing room. It was nice in there and they have a TV to listen to the message. There was someone else in there feeding her baby too.
After church we went to grandma and grandpa's house for lunch and to meet grandma's friend Merlene. It was a nice visit. Then we headed home and had a family nap time!
You and daddy knocked out!
It is a good thing I got a nap in because the night to come would be the worst yet! On Saturday night you were eating so much that I had to supplement with some formula (all the breast milk was frozen). I had some Similac premixed formula so I poured it into a bottle and gave it to you. All was well until the early hours Monday, around 5am to be exact. You had gotten up in your usual pattern and every diaper I had changed up until 5am had only been wet. This was unlike you. I fed you and went to change your diaper, which was only wet again. I knew something was off. That's when you began struggling to go to the bathroom. You were screaming, wincing and it was so obvious you were in pain! We spent the next several hours doing the bicycle with your legs, rubbing your tummy and burping you. We did get you to pass gas and go to the bathroom a little bit. Finally you settled down and went to sleep. I had only gotten about three hours of sleep and I was exhausted! I felt so bad your tummy hurt. We will NEVER use Similac again! After two big poops, LOTS of gas, some gripe water and 8+ hours...we had relief!
Later that day, Carly brought mommy some lunch and came for a visit! She held you and of course you were a good boy! I think you were worn out from your rough night. It was a really nice visit. She brought you a little onesie that was VERY fitting for our previous night. It says "If I don't sleep, nobody sleeps". very true!
Grandma brought some pictures of me, your auntie b and uncle by. I know she wants you to look like us, but you don't. Not one bit. You may have my eyes and have my lips, but you look just like your daddy! That's fine with me since I think your daddy is the most handsome guy in the world, so if you look like them that makes you tied for first with him :). I tried to put you on your tummy for some tummy time. You liked it for a little bit, but that was it! You preferred to be on your back looking out the window.
You are so handsome it's ridiculous!
That night we went with daddy to the grocery store to get food. Mommy's lack of sleep really showed itself at the store. We were getting out of the car. I grabbed the diaper bag, daddy grabbed you. We set up the stroller, I helped daddy snap you in and into the store we went. We spent about an hour in there, filling the cart, looking for stuff on sale. We were walking back to the car and I thought to myself "where did I put the keys?" I knew I didn't put them in the diaper bag, they weren't in my pocket...and then I saw them...sitting right on top the roof of the car in the parking lot, a busy parking lot. I am so lucky nobody stole the car!
Lesson learned: always double check myself when running on fumes from lack of sleep...
You slept pretty decent that night, but woke up the next day fussy (I am seeing a pattern!). The second I pick you up, the fussing stops. You really need to learn how to be content on your own! We had visitors coming today too...Jess and Rachel came to see you! It was nice to get to visit with them. Rachel loved holding you. After they left, we took a nap together. A two hour nap together. It was SO nice! It is nice for me when you nap during the day because I get some quiet, alone time. Of course I love when you are awake too, but mommy needs some time to get other stuff done too! I love to see you sleep. You always look so peaceful and content...
My view during our nap.
All cozy and ready for bed!
One day during nap time I needed to vacuum. I decided to see how that was going to go with you sleeping. Turns out, you weren't even bothered. I even vacuumed right under your swing and you slept right through it!
On Wednesday, April 25, you gave mommy your first real smile! You have smiled before, but never in response to me! I was so excited and of course snapped a million pictures. You were talking up a storm and I started to talk back to you and you smiled so big! It was the cutest thing. Of course you had the most adorable outfit on!
Then the fussiness plague struck you again...
But it didn't last long and soon you were fast asleep in my arms...
Today also was an exciting day for me! Daddy and I had been talking about getting me a new car, a bigger car. Daddy was even more on board with the idea since he had been loading you in and out of mommy's car and driving it to work. We started looking for a good deal and the right car for us. We found one we liked, the numbers sounded good, so we headed to the dealership. And Mommy got a new car!
It sounds odd, but I was kind of sad about leaving my Saturn behind. That car got me through a lot of different things: through all of nursing school, including many many drives to campus as well as clinicals; drove us to disneyland a few times; took a trip to Arizona; as well as many other trips with friends and family. It was a great car and I will miss it, especially how cheap it was to fill up with gas! But I love my new car :)
Finally got my Tahoe :) So thank you Cash boy, because of you I finally got my new car!
You also had your one month check-up this week, on Thursday April 26th. I was curious to see how big you had gotten. At your two week check-up you were 9 lbs and 22 inches. Well at this appointment, which was only two weeks later, you were 11 lbs 11 oz and 23 inches! You are a growing boy! This also explains why mommy and daddy's backs hurt! You got a shot and you didn't like it, but let's face it, who likes shots? You cried for a little bit and then you were okay. You're next appointment is when you're two months old and I can't wait to see how much you've grown!
Your growing means you no longer fit in your newborn clothes :(. Mommy took them all out of the closet and your drawer and packed them away. It was so sad for me, I actually wanted to cry! I know they will get use again in the future though, by a little brother or sister.
And of course the week was filled with cute outfits on you...
Already a Niner's boy!
And lots of time spent with mommy and daddy
Your daddy loves you so much...more than me I think!
Time seems to be going to fast. You are getting bigger and changing every day. I look back at your pictures from when you were just born and I can't believe it! You were so small. Your daddy and I often look at you and say, "can you believe we made him?" You are such a blessing Cash, even in a trying week. We wouldn't change anything about you. We are thankful to God every day for you. We love you little bean.