Thursday, May 31, 2012

My very first Mothers Day

What an odd thing it transition from spending Mothers Day celebrating your mom to actually having Mothers Day about you. Thanks to you Cash, I now get another day to be spoiled :)

What do I think about being a mother? I think it is tiring, draining, joyous, incredible, frustrating, loving, spectacular, difficult, eye opening, special, a blessing...and, well I could go on and on, but you get that point.

What does it mean to be your mother? Well, to be honest Cash, it is incredible. I never imagined I could possibly love someone so much. My heart is overflowing with love for you. I love to look at your features, love to watch you grow, love to watch you learning and changing every single day. I love watching your daddy with you, makes me love him more and more every day to see how much he loves you.

It is a true gift from God to be your mother. I thank Him for you often. For the opportunity to carry you in my tummy, to birth you and to now raise you. I pray often for guidance, to be a great mother and example for you, to do the right things. I pray for your life, for you to grow into a loving and caring young man. That you would have God in the center of your life. That you would see flaws in nobody and love with an endless love. I pray you get to do all the things you want in life. That I can provide you with things you deserve. That we will make many memories together, although we already have so many.

So my first Mothers Day was spent with you and your daddy. And it ended up being a really great day. My gift? Exhaust on my car, something I wanted. We went to dinner at my favorite place...Simply Fondue. Even typing that makes me mouth water! It was delicious and you were a very good date.

Walking to the restaurant

At our table
Snoozing away through our dinner!
My love bug
Little ham!!

After dinner we walked outside for a little bit and snapped some pictures before we lost light...

Daddy's boy

We came home and got you into some jammies
And then of course I cuddled with you.

I hope when you look back at life Cash, that you are proud I am your mom. That you are proud of the mom I was and am and that I raised you the best I could. I hope you never get to old to hug and kiss me or tell me you love me. I hope you always know you can talk to me and I will listen, but I am going to give you advice..I mean...I am your mom after all! I hope you find comfort in my arms and never hold things in when you are hurting. 

And most of all...I hope you know just how much I love you. Because is a whole lot.

I can't wait to spend many more Mothers Day's with you. I love you my little bean.

It's been a few weeks...

Which means this is going to be a lengthy post! So I apologize in advance. It will probably be mostly pictures, so don't let the length fool you.

A lot has happened in the past few weeks, including you getting older. Which makes mommy really sad. It seems like just yesterday I had you, and now you are huge!


One exciting thing is I found out people actually read this blog! And not just family. So this week, Bernie gets a shout out! Thanks for reading about our crazy life. If anyone else reads, feel free to let me know. It is nice to know I don't write to myself :)

This week I am going to format a little different's been a long time. So I am going to write the date and what we did. Unfortunately I don't remember specific outfits that go with what, unless it was a special event.

Okay. Irrelevant.

Here goes nothing....

Friday, May 4th:
Today you had your first laugh. It wasn't a long laugh, but it was a laugh and daddy and I were excited! Daddy was changing you and you were fussing because you were hungry. Daddy kept saying "are you huuuuuuungry?!" and you did it, looked up with your big gummy smile and laughed at daddy. It was precious. I was super tired today, but no nap for me! Today I got my hair done :) I decided to do my hair dark again. So Jaclyn came over to our house to do it.

Cool huh? You will learn as you age that I get tired of my hair often. It's silly. I had to pump because Auntie Shaila gave you a bottle. I pumped while getting my hair done. That was exciting :) Later that night we went to dinner with Daddy and Auntie Shaila. Probably at Applebees. Ya, I am pretty sure it was at Applebee's. 

Saturday, May 5th...Cinco de Mayo:
Today we went to Grandpa's first baseball game. Only bummer? His first game started at 8:30am. I love baseball and can't wait until you are old enough to play so I can watch you! Grandpa plays for the Giants, so of course you, your daddy and I had our Giants gear on :) It was colder at the game than I thought it was going to be. It was also REALLY windy. It made mommy and daddy's allergies TERRIBLE. I was miserable. Grandpa's team lost both games, but it was fun to watch him!
Dressed and ready to go!

Smiley boy<3

Trying to wake Daddy up!

Talking to mommy

With Grandpa before his second game

Uncle Brett
Getting ready

Grandpa up to bat

Playing first base

Hanging with Uncle Grant

And Auntie Shaila

Sleeping on mommy
Hanging with Uncle Brett

And with Grandma

The crew watching the game!

Supporting grandpa...mommy needs a serious tan.

We then went over to have lunch at grandma and grandpas. Uncle Grant made us all nachos for Cinco de Mayo. They were really good! You were laughing and smile a lot, especially at your Uncle Grant. He loves you a lot. It is really cute. Mommy didn't feel good at all so we headed home. You got a bath and I was showered by 6:30 myself. Daddy took a 45 minute nap, which I tried to take part in, but you were fussy so I cuddled with you instead. You were fussy for most of the evening after that. You finally went to bed at 10, but woke up shortly after in the best mood, smiling and laughing and talking. I fed you and you passed back out by 11pm. It was a loooong day.

Sunday, May 6th:
You slept for 8 1/2 hours! It was glorious. I actually FELT rested! We got up and went to church. After church we went to Kohls and daddy got some stuff. Of course, we got you stuff too. We got lunch and went home. Daddy was changing you on the couch and you did the peed on daddy's face and in his mouth. I was cracking up. You also spit up a lot of mucus today. It made me nervous cause it was the first time you did it and let's face it, I may be a nurse, but you're my first kid! I have no idea what's normal. You ended up being okay. We took a family nap and then you ate pretty much nonstop from 5pm-10pm. It was a nice day together.
I love your sweet little sleeping face<3

Monday, May 7th:
You slept from 10pm-7:45am! I could get used to these sleeping habits! I fed you and you spit up a lot again. I wasn't as freaked out this time :). You then fell back asleep with me until 11:30am. Today was a day FULL of errands. We went to get gas, went to Target, the bank, the mall and the grocery store. Daddy happened to be at Target too, so he shopped with us. We bought you a new toy. As we were walking back to the water Daddy was pushing you in front of me and I started thinking about how handsome you both are. What a lucky girl I am to have you both in my life. We then went to the bank where everyone thought you were adorable. In fact, everywhere we go people think you are cute! The teller didn't know what he was doing, so it took ten times longer than it should have. It makes me nervous when someone is dealing with my money and don't know what they are doing. We then headed to the mall to pick up my ring that I got sized and get me a FREE Cinnabon. It is nurses week this week and they give out free cinnamon rolls to nurses. Cool huh? We went to the grocery store last. When we got home I had to pump, so I pumped while shucking corn and peeling potatoes. It is funny the things I do while pumping. Straighten my hair, driving, shucking corn, getting my hair done...I then made dinner and gave you a bath. It was a busy day!

Handsome boy ready to go!

Such a cool dude.
Good thing mommy brought your sunglasses on this sunny day!

Feels good to be married again!

Tuesday, May 8th:
Daddy wasn't feeling good so we took him to the doctor. Turns out, he had a sinus infection. Good thing we went! He got some antibiotics and we headed home. You were pretty fussy, so we just hung out, you and I, at home. Nothing too exciting for the day.
Sleepy baby boy

Long fingers

Chubby legs

Wednesday, May 9th:
So these allergies have been kicking my butt. I haven't felt good since Grandpa's baseball game! I started taking Claritin, but it wasn't working, so I switched to Allegra. When breastfeeding, you have to be really careful what you take. So I read that allergy meds can dry up your milk supply, so of course I was so worried it was going to do just that. Turns out my supply was okay. I pumped 9 oz before bed that night. Pretty good! It was another uneventful day of just staying home. Allergies really make mommy not feel good :(

Thursday, May 10th:
You decided to have a growth spurt on me. You were up every two hours to eat. Boy was that a long night! You also ate ALL day. In between your constant eating, we went to Costco and then to the chiropractor. After the chiropractor, Uncle Brett, Uncle Grant and Uncle Ivan came over. Uncle Grant fed you a bottle and rocked you to sleep. He was just holding you and watching you sleep. He is a great uncle and really loves you.

Friday, May 11th:
You slept for four hour stretches, which was much better than two. This weekend Uncle Bernie came into town! We went out to lunch with him, uncle, daddy and auntie shaila. We then went to Bed Bath and Beyond to buy grandma's mothers day gift and guess who got hungry?! Yep you! So I fed you while walking around the store with my cover on. That was interesting! You and I went home while daddy went back to work. When he got off we went to Applebee's for dinner. It was a nice day.

Saturday, May 12th:
Today we had a mothers day BBQ with all your grandparents and Uncles. I was really tired, but you had a nice time! We took you outside in your rock n play and you loved it. You love to be outside! You were smiling and talking away! You still are growing and were eating nonstop! All in all, it was a nice day.
Checking out Uncle and Uncle Ivan

Little piggies

Uncle's big hand!
Staring at Uncle

Silly daddy

The boys playing catch

Hanging out chatting...

Sunday, May 13th:
Mother's day. My very first Mothers Day. I will make a separate post for this special day. Stay tuned....

Monday, May 14th:
Mommy had a dr appt today. The dr loved you. She barely paid attention to what was wrong with me! In fact, she said you were very distracting to her :) You were talking, smiling and laughing away at her. It was cute. When daddy got home from work, he decided to help mommy by mopping the kitchen. You were super fussy, so he put you in the carrier and mopped away!
Babywearing for the win!

You got a bath and then we got you dressed in your first 6 month outfit.

This made me really sad. It is good that you are growing and I am so glad you are healthy, but you aren't even two months. Almost, but not quite. And you fit into 6 month clothing. SO sad. We took a video of you passed out, which some people found extremely cruel. I found it hilarious. I was trying to wake you up to eat, but you were totally passed out. Lucky for me, you ended up waking up right before I went to bed. Another milestone for us! No more nipple shield. It is so much easier to feed you without that messy thing! So yay for small victories!

Tuesday, May 15th:
Today was a first for me and something that I regretted doing at the time, but looking back, I feel accomplished. I have taken you grocery shopping before, no big deal, but today we went on a massive shopping trip. I spent the morning planning meals and writing down items needed. I tried to time it so that I left right after you ate, but it didn't really work out that way. I decided to bring the Ergo carrier to carry you in. As soon as we set foot in the store, you cried to be fed. Of course. Luckily, I brought a bottle for you. So here I am, wearing you, feeding you a bottle and trying to push the cart and get stuff I need. I should have just sat down and fed you. Lesson learned. By the time we finished shopping, I had a gigantic cart full of stuff. I had someone help me pack it into the car and we headed home. As soon as we pulled in, I realized how much stuff I now had to carry up to the house, by myself. I contemplated waiting in the car until daddy got home, but he wasn't going to be home for awhile and I had cold stuff to be put away. This would be much easier if we lived in a house, but we don't. So I have to park in the parking lot and then carry it all to the apartment, which includes going up a flight of stairs. I started with you. Luckily you slept until I was done bringing it all up. In fact, you allowed me to clean and organize the freezer and start dinner before you woke up to be fed. I found out, as soon as I picked you up, that you had exploded your diaper all over your car seat. Awesome. So I changed you, fed you, and cuddled you. After you ate, I cleaned the refrigerator and got everything put away. Of course the one night I need daddy's help, he worked late. Boo. But we had a delicious spinach salad for dinner as soon as he got home.

Wednesday, May 16th: 
The joy I had when I awoke this morning was one that is indescribable. You slept from 10pm-7:20am. It was amazing. Then you fell back asleep and we slept together from 8am-10:45am. Man it felt good to get that much sleep! Of course the trade off for you getting so much sleep is being fussy and hungry ALL day. I read to you today...The Hungry Caterpillar, Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See, and Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear. You cried the entire time. I think it is important to read to you. I think it will help you learn. You don't agree, seeing as you screaming the entire time I read. I should know better than to read to you on a fussy day.

Today, the best thing happened. I wish I had it on video. In my mind, it happened in slow motion. 

*Warning this may be TMI for some. Clearly I think it is appropriate or I wouldn't post it*

This new thing happens when my milk lets down, or maybe because I just stopped using my nipple shield I notice it. My milk shoots. Not just like a little bit, no, a full blown stream. 

Now some of you may think you know where this is going. I can assure you, it is much better than you can imagine.

You, Cash, were being a punk while eating. You kept unlatching. Well, you got what was coming to you. My milk started shooting you right in the face. You were pissed and I, well, I was laughing. But then you surprised me. In true man fashion, you tilted your head back, opened wide and had the milk shoot right into your mouth. I have never seen something so hilarious in my life. I immediately started cracking up and you looked up at me and gave me the biggest gummy grin. It was fantastic.

Thursday, May 17th: 
We got up early today to go with Daddy to the doctor. You and I then came home and napped from 12:30-3. I had a lot of plans for the day, but so much for those! I did have to go drop something off at the doctor and then we went to Target. I got some clothes for me, big dresses actually, and you were a good boy then entire time I tried them on! You even told me which ones were ugly. While I was trying them on, you decided to poop. So I had to change you in the dressing room. They probably thought I was stealing. I wasn't. 

By the way, you are a hit wherever we go. People stop in their tracks to look at you. It is pretty funny. You are such a handsome boy.

I went a picked out a few things for you and then rushed to the checkout because you were crying to eat. We got to the car and I fed you. Thank goodness I got a bigger vehicle...

We then came home and I cooked. You ate and ate and cried and ate. I rocked you to sleep and watched some TV with daddy. For some reason, I also got emotional about your grandpa. It makes me sad you won't ever meet him. He passed away a year before you were born. He didn't even know about you. I will tell you stories about him. He would have absolutely loved you.

Friday, May 18th:
Your grandma's birthday. We took her out to dinner at Hunan House and then spent some time together with Uncle and her at their house. I am sure you will know Hunan House when you get older. We go there a lot. It is good food! We played video games at grandma's house. For her birthday we got her a necklace with her two grandchildren's names on it...your name and your cousin Blace. You haven't met Blace yet, which makes me very sad, in fact you haven't even met your other Aunt yet. Hopefully you meet them soon!
Talking to grandma

Hanging out with your uncle

Saturday, May 19th:
I love saturdays. You know why? Cause Daddy is home with us. Writing that makes me realize that that is going to change soon because I will have to go back to work. Sigh. 

Focus on the present...

Today you slept with me until 11:45. You woke up to eat in between there, but we didn't get out of bed until 11:45. We then went to the batting cages with some of your uncles and grandpa. It was fun. Mommy wore flip flops...bad idea. Luckily I didn't hit my toes with the ball. Next time I will dress better. You just hung out. I did have to feed you while we were there, but thats okay. It is getting much easier to feed you while we are out.

After the batting cages we went and got pizza. I LOVE pizza. Round favorite! We then decided to go to the movies. Your very first movie. I wasn't sure how it was going to go, but I packed a bottle, put you in your jammies and brought along the moby wrap. You did great! I had to stand up a few times to rock you, but never left the theater (we sat at the very top). We saw "What to Expect When You're Expecting". It made me think of having you. I can't believe how fast time flies!

Sunday, May 20: 
Like most Sunday's, we went to church. After church we went out to eat at Coco's with grandpa, Uncle Grant and Uncle Brett. You were chatting away with Uncle Brett as we all ate. It was cute. I think Grandpa has some video of it actually. 

After Coco's, we came home and gave you a bath. You LOVE the bath! It was still early in the day and kind of hot, so we dressed you in just a onesie. I thought it was super cute, daddy, well he wasn't a fan. I am sure you won't be either. I can hear it now..."Mom, why did you dress me in that?!" My answer future self: "Because I wanted you to wear everything you got at least once"

Auntie B saw this picture and said you were saying "mom why did you put me in this dumb outfit!"
She's probably right.

We then went outside to see the eclipse. Now, I have never seen one before, only in pictures, so I had no idea what I was doing. Neither did daddy. So the two of us stared into the sun, but we saw it. Daddy even said, "If you stare long enough you can see it! Maybe because I am blinded..." I promise I now know what to do for when you are old enough. We sat outside on the grass for a little bit just enjoying being together. Sunday's mean daddy goes back to work. BOO! It was a really nice afternoon.
Can you see it?! Ya, me either...

Cute little cow butt!

Chubby little feet.

Wearing mommy's shades

Our cute little family

That night you discovered something...something I had been avoiding you finding. Your thumb. Now, you will take a pacifier no problem, so why you have this new infatuation with your thumb is beyond me. You have been trying for a few days now to find it and tonight you finally did.
I must admit, you look pretty stinking adorable.

Throughout the week you did other cool sleep...which you look adorable doing...

I pledge the flag....

Spent a lot of time awake....

Took a lot of baths...

Spent some time in your Bumbo seat...which you are not ready for...

Pooped...a lot

Got chubbier...

Spent time with mommy...

Spent time with Daddy....

We also confirmed the fact that you look identical to your daddy...
The two smaller pictures are your daddy...bigger ones are you.

Worked on your mullet...

Mommy caught you doing silly things...
Holla atcha boy...

Rock on!

We giggled at daddy...even when he didn't find it funny...

You looked handsome as always...

You fought your sleep...your new favorite thing to do....
Mommy seriously...I am not tired!

Among many other things. It is such a joy to watch you change every day. Some days you are fussy and just cry and cry and cry to the point where I want to sit in a corner and cry, but then I look at you and you will give me a brief smile and it all is worth it. We love you more than life Cash. Keep getting cuter.

Love, Mommy and Daddy