I know, big deal mom. Just give me a bottle.
You're right buddy. So that's what I am going to do.
I digress. On to our week....
Friday night we went to dinner at Red Robin and Uncle Drew was our waiter. You didn't seem too excited about it as you slept in your carseat the entire time! This was nice for me because I didn't have to feed you while we were there. I am not too keen on feeding you while we are out because of that silly nipple shield. Not that you will care about that in the future when you read this. In fact I can hear you now..."Mom, did you have to put that in?"
Yes Cash. I did. You were breastfed. EWWW. Get over it buddy. You should be thanking me for putting my boobs through such tragic events to make sure you have an immune system of steel.
My dinner was gross. Lesson learned: don't get ribs and mac n cheese at Red Robin. Truth be told, I am not much of a fan of Red Robin. They have good chocolate shakes though! And Dr. Pepper, which you will learn is my favorite. I am sure we will take you there when you are older and heck, Uncle Drew may be our server!
Just kidding Drew. Please don't work at Red Robin when Cash is old enough to eat there. If you are, just know I think you're a tool. HA. Just kidding again. Do what makes you're heart happy.
(For the record Cash, I would bet a million dollars Uncle Drew doesn't even read this. Ask me when you're older if he ever mentioned it.)
I did learn a good lesson at Red Robin...don't let people get under my skin. They aren't worth it. Oh, and don't keep my mouth shut anymore. Sometimes it is important to stand up for yourself, but only if you know you are right and do it respectfully. I will teach you about that someday. Sometimes you have to stand up for what's right.
Then we came home and I don't know what we did. Probably watched a movie or TV and went to bed. Ya, I am going to bet that's what we did.
Saturday I think we ran errands with Daddy and just hung out. We had Uncle Grant and Auntie Shaila over for a movie and pizza (in which I still owe Shaila money for. I got it next time Shaila...cause she DOES read this Cash, so I know she will see it). Pizza. Yum. I am hungry. In true mommy fashion, or maybe just true Brooke fashion since I did it before you were born, I fell asleep during the movie. This frustrated me because I wanted to see the movie. Daddy woke me up when everyone left and I so badly wanted to stay on the couch and sleep.
A good friend warned me before you were born on how I would miss sleep from the "before" times. She was right. I miss my solid, 12 hour nights sleep.
It was a nice saturday of hanging out. In fact, I love all weekends when Daddy is home. I love being together with our little family.
Sunday we had to go pick up Grandma and Bianca from the airport. Well we were running late, shocking I know, and just as I was about to jump in the shower Grandma text me and said they landed. Like 30 minutes early. Dang. Well you better believe I still got into the shower. You will also learn your mommy showers every day. I can't not shower every day...okay well I can but I prefer to be able to. Your daddy, well he can skip a shower no problem. You son, you will shower every day. No questions asked. Speaking of showers, you tried out your bath robe for the first time. Pretty cute if I may say so!
You were thrilled...
Hang on...the mighty kong has awoken. Ya, that's you. The mighty kong screaming from his swing like I starve him. Oh your life is so hard....ironically, I think I will hear that phrase from you often throughout your life, in your own little form of communicating it. In your infant days, that form comes as screaming. Fun huh?
Alright. Binki in. Should spare me some time.
Speaking of binkis...you love to scream and then get calmed by your binki and then spit it out as soon as I walk away. Now, I am no dummy. I know that I have to hold it there for a minute. but it is like every time, without fail, as soon as I walk away or lay back down, you spit that thing out! That is a fun game in the middle of the night and you always win. I think your favorite time to do it is in the middle of the night. Little stinker.
Speaking of which, you are playing this game again now! I hear you son...screaming.
You win again.
We made it to the airport without them waiting too long. We then went to Panera for lunch and it was HOT! And I did not have you dressed appropriately, sorry dude. I was planning on going anywhere after dropping grandma off. Lunch was nice and we went home to spend the rest of the day relaxing together with daddy (ya I made him watch the end of the movie again so I could see it. It was pretty good! Can't remember what it was called. Some movie where a kid gets cancer and falls in love with his therapist...)
In your way too hot outfit, overalls for the first time.
Monday...I don't remember what we did.
This is why I write things down in the notes on my phone. So I remember...
Monday I think we just stayed home. We slept in together which was nice. I cooked dinner (go mommy!) and that was about it. But you did wear your Niners onesie for the very first time!
And your Niners bib too!
Hey there is that familiar fussy face!
But then you peed on your Niners outfit so we have to change you into something different, but just as cute!
Cuddling with daddy after work! Apparently you had a long day.
Tuesday we had a visit from the Roebers. And you were wearing your super adorable Hurley onesie. So cute. It was nice to catch up with Amy and see the girls. You are like a giant compared to little Brielle. Such a peanut! Then we went to get my car smogged and went with daddy to his allergy appt. We went and had lunch at Daddy's work. It was at that time you transformed into a super hero!
Super Baby!!
Oh and we went to the grocery store. Nothing too exciting. I cooked dinner again though! WOO!
Wednesday we had another day at home. I haven't been feeling good cause my allergies have been so bad. We did go out to dinner with both grandma's, Uncle Grant, Uncle Brett and Uncle Ivan. We went to Target and walked around. You will learn something about your mommy...walking around in Target always ends in me buying stuff. Never fails. So we bought you an outfit for Grandpa's baseball game this weekend. We came home, you had a bath, which you LOVE by the way, and got ready for bed.
On our days we spend at home I love to look at your little features. You are changing so fast so I try and soak in as much as possible. Since I have a brain the size of a peanut lately, I usually just take pictures.
I will always be here to hold your hand...
Such long fingers!
Which brings us to today, Thursday, May 3. I can't believe it is May. Didn't I just have you in March?!
Today we went and mailed some stuff. Then we went and got a pedicure with Auntie Shaila, which you cried during my massage. Boo. Hard to enjoy a massage with a fussy baby! Then we went to the dr for mommy and picked up some clothes from a friend, which I am very excited to go through! Oh and you had the most adorable outfit on today! You have been clingy, wanting to be held all day, which is hard when mommy's back and wrist are hurting her! I love the snuggles though.
Tired of pictures so you covered your face and kicked off your shoe!
You are going to be a heartbreaker someday...
Looks who's holding his bottle all by himself! Such a big boy you are...
Found you sleeping like this. Poor boy
Little cross eyed....
That's better :)
The week was filled with other cute outfits...
Conversations with mommy....
Sitting with mommy
BIG stretch!
We also discovered you like to be naked!
You hung out with me...
Oh and you slept a lot too...
Speaking of sleep, you have taken to short little cat naps throughout the day, rather than really falling asleep. If I put you down, you're awake. You are still sleeping good at night, so I can't complain there. This cat nap thing, it may kill me. It isn't even like twenty minutes, no I am talking like five minutes. Aren't you exhausted?! I know I am...
As I was just sitting here, finishing up my entry for this weeks blog, I was holding you and thinking "man, I am convinced I have the cutest kid in the world!" Sure, everyone thinks that, but I really think you are. Everyone else tells me too. What spurred the thought was this sweet little face.
And just as fast as that thought popped into my head, your sweet little face was replaced by this....
Cute, huh?
Well first off, I am awesome. Don't ever forget it.
And secondly, I do love you. I love you more than I knew I could love.
But I am human. And humans have blah days. And you, my boy, caught me on a blah day. It shouldn't last long though, don't worry.
I am still your super hero mom who loves you more than life. And always will for that matter.
So as you read this, remember I have blah days and on blah days I love hugs and love from my son. So go on now, go give your "old" mommy a hug and tell her you love her. Because, in my eyes, you are never too old to tell her you love her.
Because she loves you more than you can imagine...
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