So as a nurse, poop doesn't bother me much. I mean, patients poop on themselves and I clean it every night. I wipe butt pretty frequently and clean sheets. It isn't a big deal really. Part of the reason I don't cloth diaper is because of how much poop I clean at work (although it really is appealing to me).
But recently Cash, your poop has spiked a strange interest and sort of obsession in my life.
I started feeding you solids and people warned that it can constipate babies. Well you did great. I didn't see any changes in your poop. As I started adding more solids, you started pooping less, but I wasn't concerned yet.
Then one day I saw you struggling to poop for quite awhile. You only managed to get a little out. I become concerned. I wouldn't have called you constipated yet, but I surely wasn't trying to get to that point.
So to my mom friends I went. They armed me with advice and I went to the store. I picked up prunes, juice, and karo syrup.
When I got home we tried the least invasive first. I massaged your tummy and did the bicycle with your legs. I figured I would give it time before the karo syrup since I heard it can be pretty explosive (thanks for the heads up Kristen), if you know what I mean. For dinner you had prunes, which you didn't like. As I shoveled the prunes into your mouth I frantically told you "Cash you HAVE to poop! You are going to get an upset stomach, the poop will be hard, you won't be able to push it out! I will have to use a thermometer and try and help you get it out. You will tear your little butt and it will HURT! Keep eating these prunes they will help!"
My pep talk didn't work. You wouldn't eat anymore. I think you ate about half a jar.
I then tried a little juice. That too, was a no go, which I am not complaining too much about. Juice isn't good for you anyway.
You didn't poop. So the next morning I told grandma to put a little karo syrup in your bottle. Mean to have grandma do it? Maybe. But I was out of options! When I woke up, she told me you had pooped. TWICE. Yay!
From that poop on, I have been obsessed with your poop. You didn't act super constipated, but I have had problems with my bowels and I didn't want you to experience such horror. So I kept feeding you prunes to help keep things going. You would still only have little bit here and there but you didn't act uncomfortable.
Let me assure you, those "little bits" of poop you were having were enough to clear the room. I still can't understand how something so small can produce something SO FOUL.
My obsession stopped yesterday when you had three poops. And one big, peanut butter consistency, one today. As I am sitting on the couch minding my own business, I smell something that is probably equivalent to death. Okay, not really, but it was nasty. I look down at you and you look up at me and smile the biggest gummy smile. You then start to fuss. Well no wonder. If I had that stuff on my butt I would fuss too!
So my obsession with your poop has stopped. You will go and unless you are in pain, I am not going to worry.
I never thought I would miss the days of seedy, explosive, breast milk poop.
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